Create a form (Select audience)
Upon logging in, click on 'NEW FORM'
You will see 4 tabs: Audience, Questions, Responses, Collaborators
Select the audience type:
Public - anonymous responses, no sign-in required
Student - students in your school
Staff - staff in your school
Select the response type
Select audience group and individuals
(Optional) Click on Add fields to personalise
Create a form (Add questions)
Upon logging in, click on NEW FORM
You will see 4 tabs: Audience, Questions, Responses, Collaborators
Click on the 'QUESTIONS' tab
You will be able to edit the form title, instructions, add and edit questions
You may also 'ADD DISPLAY CONDITION' to show questions based on the answer to the previous question
Reorder your questions by dragging them
Before publishing, you may 'PREVIEW' your form
Collaborate with other teachers
Upon logging in, click on NEW FORM
You will see 4 tabs: Audience, Questions, Responses, Collaborators
Click on the 'COLLABORATORS' tab
Search for the teachers' name and add them as collaborators
You may change their access rights to 'VIEWER' or 'EDITOR'
Publish form
After setting up your form, click on 'SHARE'
A pop up modal will appear. Toggle to 'PUBLISH' to start collecting responses
By default, respondents can enter their email address at the end of the form for a copy of their response. You may disable the feature by clicking on the check box
Share the form with your intended audience either via the QR code or the form link
Personalise your form
You may personalise a form to each student based on the information uploaded. e.g. students can be shown gender-specific questions for CCA selection.
Under the 'AUDIENCE' tab, go to 'Add fields to personalise', click on the 'Download' button
The downloaded file will contain the list of students
Add columns of information for each student
Once done, upload the file with the added information
You may now use this uploaded information to personalise the form
To personalise the form, under 'Questions' tab, 'Form Instructions', click on 'Personalised fields' to show differentiated information to students
You may also use 'Personalised fields' to show or hide questions
Submit responses
To submit a response, students/audience need to enter the form link in their browser or scan the form's QR code
Students will log in using their MIMS credentials.
Enter their responses via desktop or mobile
Upon submission, students can choose to email a copy to themselves if the form allows
Students may submit multiple times but only the final one will be captured
Multiple-choice questions (Slot appointment/booking)
You may set option limit in MCQs, e.g. an option with a limit of 3, only allows up to 3 respondents to select that option
Go to the 'QUESTIONS' tab and select 'Multiple-choice' question type
A new multiple-choice question will be added
Click on it to enter the options
To set limit, click on 'Set option limit'
A pop-up modal will appear for your to customise your option limit settings and click on 'Save'
CCA Allocation Template
The CCA Selection form template complements the CCA Allocation template which comes with in-built macros and a summary of the allocated CCAs.
Part 1: Setting up the form
Under 'Form Templates', click on 'CCA Selection Form Template'
Click on 'Use Template' to create a copy
Go to the 'AUDIENCE' tab, select 'STUDENT' audience. *Only student audience will work with the allocation template
Choose your student's access type and select student groups/individual students
Set up the form with the following format:
1st question MUST be a ranking question
2nd question MUST be a question on whether the student has a medical condition
You may add additional questions from the third question onwards
Part 2: Using the allocation template
Please refer to the slides with instructions and accompanying images.
Subject Combination Allocation Template
The Subject Combination Allocation template is an Excel file that can assist schools in the process of subject combination allocation. It is generated based on your student responses and comes preloaded with useful formulae to provide baseline information to aid in allocation decisions, for e.g. whether a student meets the subject criteria, student-class ratio and student-subject distribution.
Please refer to the slides with instructions and accompanying images.