Frequently Asked Questions


What is All Ears Form Builder?

All Ears Form Builder is a data collection tool that is integrated with school and class lists in School Cockpit. This means that school users can create forms and assign them to specific students, classes and/or school staff to collect responses. These responses can be easily tracked to monitor the response rate and identify non-respondents. 

There are other features such as personalised forms for individuals, response analytics and Excel templates to facilitate Subject Combination and CCA Allocation Exercises, further supporting a variety of school processes.

Can I get dummy accounts to test out my form?

We do not provide dummy accounts. You may use the PREVIEW function found in the QUESTIONS tab to review your form. 

Alternatively, you may test the form yourself or with your colleagues by setting the form audience to PUBLIC or STAFF.

Can students create forms on All Ears?

No. Students can only access the published forms.

What is the difference between All Ears and FormSG?

Unlike FormSG, All Ears is a versatile form builder tailored for schools which allows school staffs to assign forms securely to specific classes/students and track their responses. 

It offers personalised form options, which can be used to support schools' processes e.g. Collection of students' CCA preferences through a CCA selection form that display gender-specific CCA options/questions, their age or grades etc. 

All Ears also supports important school processes like the annual subject combination and CCA allocation exercises with downloadable allocation excel templates.

What is the security and sensitivity level of All Ears?

All Ears' levels of data security and sensitivity are Official (Closed) and Sensitive (Normal) respectively. This is the same classification as School Cockpit. 


After entering my log in credentials, I am redirected back to the log in page.

You may have entered an invalid MIMS or passwordPlease try again.

After logging in, I see the message "... Your account is not onboarded yet...".

While All Ears will sync accounts from MIMS, this will only take effect once MIMS sends us the account. You may need to wait a couple of days for the syncing to take effect.

As a HQ user, do I have access to all schools in All Ears?

Yes, HQ has access to all schools in All Ears.

Can non-teaching staff access and use All Ears?

As long as the staff has an MIMS account, he/she may access All Ears.

Does HQ staffs have access to All Ears?

Yes, All Ears is available for both HQ staff and schools. An MIMS account is required to access All Ears.

How do staff log in to respond to a form?

Staff will need the form link and login into All Ears using their MIMS account.

When will incoming students for the new academic year be populated into All Ears? 

Incoming students for the new academic year will be reflected in All Ears 1 to 2 days after posting results is out

My student forgot his/her MIMS login details. What should I do?

You can approach your school's MIMS Student Administrator (SA). 

I forgot my MIMS login details. What should I do?

For MIMS login details, please call SSOE helpdesk for assistance.

Is All Ears accessible outside of Singapore?

Yes. All Ears can be accessed from Overseas IP.

Managing form audiences

Can I send a form to a group of students across different classes and levels?

Yes. You can select students across classes and levels.

Can I create a custom group as my target audience?

While the creating audience grouping is not currently available, this is in our working pipeline. There is a workaround to this. Some teachers create blank forms and select the student/staff groups in them. They then label the form with the custom group's name. Whenenver they wish to send forms to that group, they duplicate this blank form and create questions. This way, audience will be duplicated to the new form and they can create the questions they want.

Can I include students that are not from my school as form audience?

No. At present, for security reasons, you only have access your own school's students.

Can I select students via CCA groupings?

No. At present, this feature is not available in All Ears. Some teachers create blank forms and select the students  to form a group audience. They then label the form with the CCA group's name. Whenever they wish to send forms to that group, they duplicate this blank form and create questions. This way, unique CCA audience will be duplicated to the new form and they can create the questions they want.

Can I use All Ears for students who are not recorded in School Cockpit? i.e. JC students entering via JAE admissions.

Yes. However, you would have to set the audience as Public since the system will not have their data for login purposes.

Is it possible to only target a certain designation of HQ and school staff? 

Currently, HQ staff cannot be selected as audience. As for school staff, we will consider this for future development.

What are the differences between the audience types?

Users can choose from 3 types of audience: Public, Students and Staff.

For public audience type, respondents do not need to log in. Anyone with the link can access and respond to the survey. However, this means that the form creator will not be able to track the respondents.

For student audience type, students with the link can access using their NRIC.

For staff audience type, staff will need to log in to their MIMs account to access the form. 

Which audience type should I use for Parent respondents?

In most cases, we recommend selecting the ‘Student’ audience type when sending forms to parents. This will allow you to easily see which students’ parents have not responded yet. Parents can respond to the form by working with the child to log in using their child’s MIMS account*.

For forms that are not sensitive, you may alternatively select the ‘All’ audience type to allow parents to respond without the need to log in. In such cases, you may wish to add a question for parents to identify themselves.

*NRIC login for students will be removed from 27 November 2023. We are exploring the possibility of a login system solely for parents, and will update this space when we have more information.

Creating a form

Can I create a form that allows each student to view their own data only e.g. subjects taken?

You may get your students to check their personal data/subjects through the following steps.

Can I show questions based on preceding answers?

Yes, this is known as ‘Display Condition’ in All Ears. At present, All Ears supports the display of a specific question based on a single selected option of a preceding MCQ and MRQ. 

Can I use my own excel sheet to upload personalised fields instead of using the template provided by All Ears?

We recommend that you download the excel template from All Ears as it is populated with the audience grouping. You can copy the details from your excel sheet into the All Ears excel template and upload back to All Ears. This would ensure consistency in data transfer. You may then use the data to personalise your forms.

Can questions from other platforms e.g. FormSG or Google Forms, be imported into All Ears?

At present, All Ears does not have this function. We will consider this feature in our future development.

Can schools save a modified template that suits their specific needs for future use?

Yes. You may create a form and add collaborators within your school. Anyone with access can easily duplicate for future use.

How can I create a limited option form?

At present, limited option is available for MCQ question types only. Click on 'Limit option' when you are editing your question to set it up.

Can I create a drop-down list in a multiple response question?

Yes. Under "MCQ", you can select to convert it to a dropdown.

How do I reset the form?

The fastest way to reset a form would be to ‘Duplicate’ the form and resend the new form’s URL to the students. This would ensure that the form creator has a record of the previous responses.

Is it possible to upload questions and options using a csv file or excel file? 

Currently, all questions need to build up from scratch in All Ears. 

What are the question types and elements available?

There are 6 types of elements. 

Respondents select their preferred options from a list of options in order of preference

Example Scenario: I want to know the top 3 choices of CCAs under the Performing Arts category.

Respondents give information with free text.

Character limit can be set. For unlimited length of response, enter 0 in the field

Example Scenario: I want the respondent to elaborate on a choice made in a previous question.

Respondents select a single option out of a list of options

Example Scenario: I want to know a single choice of CCA under this category.

Respondents select a more than one option out of a list of options.

Example Scenario: I want to know a list of student’s preferred CCA choices.

Respondents can view an upload image

Example Scenario: I want to show a list of subject combinations to students.

Respondents can provide answers to grouped questions

Example Scenario: I want to know the qualities of a CCA leader.

What is Bulk paste?

Bulk paste refers to an alternative way of inputting a list of options. You can paste a long list of options for the MCQ/MRQ without having to add

Will targeted audience be notified when a form is created?

No. You would need to publish the form and share the form URL link with the targeted audience.

Publishing / Sharing a form

Can I add respondents after the form is published?

Yes, you add respondents after the form is published. However, it is advised not to modify the respondents after the form is published so as to avoid unintended errors

Can I inform students individually on their CCA/Subject allocation outcome or results etc. using All Ears?

You can inform your students of their offered subjects.

Can I send All Ears forms to parents via Parents Gateway? How will parents access the form?

Yes. You can share the form via the "Share as an announcement on Parents' Gateway" in All Ears. If you select Public audience, parents do not need to log in to respond. However, this would mean that responses are not tracked. We recommend selecting Student audience when sending forms to parents. Parents can respond to the form by logging in using their child's NRIC.

What happens if I make changes to the form after publishing it?

If the form creator updates the form, all changes will be reflected. However, respondents who have submitted will not be flagged as non-respondents. In general, we strongly advise against editing questions and options after publishing or receiving any responses.

There are a few notable scenarios we wish to highlight:

Managing responses

I cannot see the responses even though my staff/students have already responded. How do I get the responses?

1. If the form's audience was changed after the staff/students responded, you will not be able to see responses from people who were removed from the audience. You can change the audience back to rectify this.

2. If you are a school staff, you can only see responses from your own school. To download responses from another school, you will need to add a collaborator from that school to help you download them.

Is it possible to retrieve data from graduated students?

For last year students, if students had provided responses, 

Will respondents receive a copy of their response?

Respondents are prompted to enter their email address after form submission to send themselves a copy of their response.

Am I able to delete a past response from a respondent?

At present, All Ears cannot support this process. You can only delete in the downloaded excel file. 

Am I able to track individual students responses?

Yes. You may also track responses down to the specific class and students. 

How will monitoring work and what will the form responses look like when students change school/class? E.g. Form created in Oct 2022 and submissions are required till June 2023.

All Ears will show the based on the academic year that was chosen in the audience tab. For example, if a year 2022 class was chosen, the same year 2022 class will be shown in year 2023.

Are respondents able to book multiple slots at the same time?

Currently, All Ears allows one booking at a time unless worded in two separate questions.

Is multiple submission of forms allowed?

Currently, All Ears allows for multiple submission for public audience forms. For student and staff audiences' forms, only the latest submission will be captured.

Managing collaborators

Can collaborators from my school make changes to the form?

Collaborators from your school would be able to view and not edit your form even if given "Editor" rights. 

Can I collaborate on the same form with my colleagues within the same school?

Yes, you can add your colleagues within the same school as collaborators. 

Can collaborators from other schools edit the form that I have created?

While you may add collaborators from another school, however, he/she cannot edit the form. 

Can a collaborator with "Viewer" rights download responses?

A collaborator from the same school can view the form, audience and even download responses.

A collaborator from another school cannot view information regarding your school's students for security reasons. 

How many collaborators can I add to each form?

Presently, it is unlimited.

If the person who created the form is no longer available, but they have given editing rights to other collaborators, will the forms be saved or will they be deleted?

Yes, the form will still be in All Ears even if the creator is no longer in service. You may duplicate the form and then you will have the ownership of the form. As owner of this form, you can now add your choice of collaborators to the form.


How often does All Ears update their data from School Cockpit?

All Ears is synced with School Cockpit roster data and is updated on a daily basis.

Can All Ears extract students' results directly from school cockpit?

No. Currently All Ears does not have direct access to students' data in School Cockpit. However, you may upload students' results/data into All Ears and then customise the form instructions to disseminate the results to the individual student.

Can All Ears extract students' data from JAE posting file?

No. Currently All Ears does not have the feature of extracting data from JAE posting. However, you may upload this data into All Ears if you need to personalise or apply display conditions into the form.

Allocation Excel Templates

What is the CCA Allocation Template?

In All Ears, the CCA Selection form template complements the CCA Allocation template. The CCA Allocation template comes with in-built macros and a summary of the allocated CCAs.

What is the Subject Combination Allocation Template?

The Subject Combination Allocation Template is an Excel file that can assist schools in the process of subject combination allocation. It is generated based on your student responses and comes preloaded with useful formulae to provide baseline information to aid in allocation decisions, for e.g. whether a student meets the subject criteria, student-class ratio and student-subject distribution.

Can I add more than 10 classes to the Subject Combination Allocation Template?

Currently the Subject Combination Allocation Template allows for maximum of 10 classes. Please contact us if you need more classes. 

How do I access the Subject Combination Allocation Template?

After the students have submitted their responses, go to RESPONSES tab > DOWNLOAD button > Subject Combination Template

Is there a priority flow for the CCA allocation template? Does the template take these factors (e.g. CCA teachers' recommendations based on auditions/trials, enrolment limit for the CCA, etc.) into account, or are they merely indicated in the columns for manual consideration before making allocations?

There is no other priority flow for the allocation template. At the core of it, it serves to help teachers highlight problematic students. For example, if the student has medical conditions, or if he/she chose a CCA that doesn't match the gender.

The decision is still entirely up to the teachers, although by default we will allocate the students their first choice. There is no way to control the gender ratio, when you do the allocation, you will need to ensure you don't over-allocate.

For more information, do read through our user guide!